From the recommendations of Audenticity

CravePatch Sugar Craving Relief

Now you can help curb intense sugar and junk food cravings with a simple, natural solution!

If you struggle with frequent cravings for sugar and junk food, CravePatch can help regulate your appetite naturally. Scientifically tested and formulated, CravePatch offers a safer alternative to other non-natural solutions and can be worn every day! 

Here's how it works…

CravePatches use a specially crafted formulation of essential oils to manage cravings for sugary, car-loaded, and other unhealthy foods. The oils work together by triggering receptors in the nose, which then send messages from the nervous system to the limbic system — the system that controls emotions and behavior.

Plus, thanks to our unique nanomaterial, CravePatches diffuse the essential oil aroma consistently for up to 8 hours, so you can count on your patches working all day long. 

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