Earth Mama Mini Deodorant 4-pack

Four flavors in one box! Earth Mama's cruelty-free mini deodorants are travel-savvy and squee-cute. Pop one in your purse, the diaper bag, your gym bag or stuff ‘em in stockings with a falala – they are just that good. You get all four flavors in one fun-filled box! Refreshing ginger-lime Ginger Fresh Deodorant, tangerine-y Bright Citrus Deodorant, unscented Simply Non-Scents Deodorant, and fresh, soothing Calming Lavender Deodorant.

Think you're too sensitive for deodorants with baking soda? You got another thing comin'! This formula was made for extra sensitive skin with the perfect balance of baking soda and magnesium. Just enough to work, not enough to hurt.

Brand: Earth Mama Organics

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